
Every Day is an Open Day

At St Mary's we recognise that choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make. Children in our care thrive; developing curiosity about their world, a caring attitude to each other and the confidence and courage to feel that they can have a go.

Pascall stmarys 9542wWe are happy to talk to you about our school and the admissions procedure and give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.  If you would like to talk to us about a place please call us on 01666 502275. 

Starting in Reception in September 2024

Choosing the schoool for your child is a very important decision. If you would like to have a look around our school, meet the Headteacher Mrs Woolley or have any questions please contact the school office on 01666 502275 or via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gloucestershire County Council manages the admissions for all Reception places in Gloucestershire. The online application process for a school place closed on the 15th January 2024.

If you are new to the area and would like to request a Reception school place for September 2024 you will need to submit a late application

Full details on the application process and timescales can be found on the Gloucestershire County Council website. 

The following documents are relevant to the Reception intake into our school for September 2024 intake.

Starting in Reception in September 2025

Choosing the schoool for your child is a very important decision. We will be holding Open Mornings in October 2024 and we welcome all parents to come and have a look around.  Dates for these Open Mornings will be advertised here in September  If you have any questions please contact the school office on 01666 502275 or via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

      Admissions Policy 2025


In-year Admissions

If your child is already in a school and you are intersted in them moving to St Mary's please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please also have a look at our virtual open day which will give you an insight into our school.  We currently have spaces available in most year groups. 

You are also very welcome to visit the school to have a look around and to meet our Headteacher, Mrs Woolley. 

To arrange a visit, ask any questions or to enquire about a place in a particular year group please contact the school office on 01666 502275 or via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We administer our own in-year admissions.  If your child is already in a school and you wish to apply for a place for them to transfer to St Mary's please complete this application form and return it This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Paper copies of the application form can be provided upon request.

We will aim to notify you, in writing, as to whether or not we can offer your child a place within 10 days of receiving your application, and at the latest within 15 days. 

If we have multiple in-year admissions at the same time and do not have sufficient places for every child who has applied places will be allocated in according to the prioirty order in our Admission Policy


If we are unable to offer your child a place at our school we will inform you of the reason for the refusal and inform you of your right to appeal to an independent panel. 

We use Gloucestershire County Council to manage our appeals process.  Information on the appeal process is given below. 

Appeal Guidance Notes

Appeal Application Form

If you decide to go to appeal and your return an appeal application form to the school it will be passed on to Gloucestershire County Council.  You will normally receive a least 10 school days notice of the time and venue of the appeal hearing where you will be able to present your case in person. Decision letters will be sent within 5 working days of the hearing wherever possible. 

A decision should be made within 30 school days of receipt of the appeal. 

Waiting Lists

If the school is oversubscribed in Reception, a waiting list will be held for (at least) the first school term (ie until December). The waiting list will be prioritised according to the school’s oversubscription criteria.


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